Shankersinh Vaghela Bapu Institute of Science & Commerce (SVBISC)

About Department


Department of Mathematics

Mathematics is an indispensable subject in the study of science. Mathematics is used throughout the world as an essential tool in many fields including Natural science, Engineering, Medicine, Finance and the social sciences. The aim of learning mathematics is to improve analytical and logical skills.

The Department, founded along with the Institute in 2014, department shares the vision of the institute of achieving excellence in teaching. It has always striven to succeed in this endeavour. The department offers opportunities for the education in a wide spectrum of areas in Mathematics such as: Algebra, Analysis, Calculus, Discrete Mathematics, Operations Research, etc.

Mathematics Majors perform well in competitive exams like UPSC, GPSC, TAT, CAT, Banking and Defence sector etc. students who want to pursue M.B.A, M.C.A, and P.G.D.C.A. or to appear for banking and insurance sector exams prefer to take mathematics as a main subject. Students who want to pursue a career in computers or IT also opt for mathematics.